[S3E24] Displaced
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While Voyager is traveling through space, a Nyrian stranger, Dammar, appears on board without any apparent warning. At the same time, Kes disappears from the ship. Dammar says he has no idea of what has happened. Soon, other crew members are similarly displaced by Nyrians, who say that Voyager's people are appearing on their planet. The exchanges are happening at regular intervals, but B'Elanna Torres is unable to tell whether this is a natural phenomenon or some transporter-like technology.
The Nyrians, led by Dammar, suddenly try to seize control of the ship. Voyager's remaining crew do their best to disable ship's systems, but can do nothing to prevent their own displacement; Chakotay, as the last crew member aboard, is able to grab the Doctor's mobile emitter before he too is displaced off the ship.
With the entire crew displaced, the Nyrians explain. The Voyager captives are now in a simulated environment designed especially for their long-term comfort by the Nyrians. The Nyrians find this gradual method of capturing ships, space stations, and colonies more civilized than war, and have no wish to harm their captives, but of course cannot allow them to escape.
Janeway and Tuvok, however, are able to defeat the guards and override the security controls on the Nyrian displacement technology. They use it to rescue Paris and Torres from the cold. Then they transport Dammar and his second-in-command to the cold environment and threaten to abandon him and his entire crew there. Dammar quickly surrenders. Voyager's crew return to their ship and arrange for the other displaced people to be returned to their respective homes. 781b155fdc