One Piece Episode 552
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That's why we like caffeine! That's why people who perhaps have to stay up all night to finish a piece of work or an essay that must be handed in the following day - I'm talking about you students here - you might use coffee or even something like Red Bull to help you stay alert as you work through the night.
1. Is there a particular statistic or piece of data that surprised you or really stood out as you were reporting this piece?Lindsay Jones: The number that jumped out at me is that in 2020, only 8 percent of the offensive coordinators and quarterbacks coaches are minorities, and this number has largely not changed in the past eight years our data covers. The league is hiring more people of color in entry-level roles (like quality control coaches) and have a significant investment in the Bill Walsh Diversity Coaching Fellowship program, but we have yet to see minority coaches developed and promoted into the jobs that most directly lead to head coaching jobs in the future. 781b155fdc